What is Artistic Accompaniment?
When I describe what I do, people often ask if I'm a "Stage Coach"?", and while it describes part of what I do, it makes me think of the stagecoaches of the wild West; And no matter how hard I try, I can't turn myself into a horsedrawn carriage! I do however understand the connection, and since I love wordplay I have chosen the stagecoach as my logo, along with a tumbleweed - since I never sit still and have a tendency to roam!
Accompagnement Artistique is French and roughly translates to "Artistic Accompaniment" in English. I accompany/guide an artist/band/performer after their unique goals and needs, so they can achieve them and grow into what they want to be.
Different techniques are used to find where the client is in its development, and based on different criteria I will set a diagnosis and a plan that matches the clients goal and my knowledge is put into place. With my background in physical fitness, I have chosen to also incorporate the prevention, finding, and bettering of different injuries artists often get since they mirror the sports injuries top athletes suffer.
I don't want Accompaniment to be equaled to coaching, since Accompaniment is so much more:
Performance coaching and development
After meeting the artists and diagnosing, a development plan is set based on the artists needs, wants, and prerequisites.
We work out who the artist want to be, and how to get there.
Rehearsal room organization and optimization
Getting back to basics, we look at rehersalroom organization, safety, and setup.
We talk music, lyrics, roles and percieved image and genre.
Stage presence and audience engagement techniques
Stage presence and audience engagement techniques are essential for creating a captivating and dynamic performance that connects with and leaves a lasting impression on the audience. This is the stage where we tacle stage fright and pre-show jitters.
Setlist creation and arrangement
Setlist creation involves strategically selecting and arranging songs to create a cohesive and engaging musical experience for the audience.
Physical conditioning and Occupational Therapy
What happens when the music ends?
Performing takes a toll on the body. For a long life in music, we work on detecting injuries, preventing them, and lessen their effect on the artists.
Branding and image development
Branding and image development are crucial aspects of a clients marketing strategy that help create a strong and recognizable identity for the brand.
Tour planning and logistics
Tour planning and logistics are essential aspects of organizing a successful trip, involving detailed itinerary creation, transportation arrangements, and coordination with arrangers.